Well insted of everyone making new posts just post the pics in here so its easier for the people that toon.I cant do it as i have lack of patience but can photoshop pretty good.So heres a car that i want tooned, not mine but mines the EXACT same so if someone could lower it and toon it, it would be much appreciated!! everyone post the ones that you want done in here!
Juiced Towncar
didnt beach or someone already toon it for you? its pretty mean to ask someone to do you a toon when someone just did it for you..but thats just IMO.....

R.I.P. Kasey N. Burleson
Dont think he finished it, he said thats what he had for now.If its mean i apologize i just wanted to see more.
Juiced Towncar
Benz88 wrote:Dont think he finished it, he said thats what he had for now.If its mean i apologize i just wanted to see more.
Edit: He also didnt really "Toon" it as much as chopped the top and made the body big.
Juiced Towncar
Well ur asking for a free toon. dont complain with what you get.. if u want a real toon pay for it.. by asking for a free toon your not respecting the artists' work..your just taking advantage of it.. i think this is a stupid post.. because everyone is gonna be asking for free toons.. now if it where people would ask for toons then include how much they will pay or asking how much someone will do one for, it might get a lil more respect from me.. this free toon thing is gettin stupid.. any toon artist dont get the stuff they deserve..
sorry had to rant.