I have some pics that I'd like to have made into a sig.
I just want them to change with about a 3-4 second delay.
There are 16 of them, and they're kind of small, so it shouldn't be a tough task.
If anyone is willing to help me out, I'd really appreciate it.
I can email them to you if you wanna do it.
Thanks in advance.
Neutiquam erro.
send em over.. ill do it for a free set of 00 eyelids

lol j/k ill do it tho. You just want a 3sec delay between em all? Is there a certain size like file size it has to be? email em to me at stepheno_07@hotmail.com
How do you do that? Is there a certain program that you use and if so what is it ? Thanks guys
Adobe ImageReady CS is what i use..
yeah def. use image ready
Too fast to live, Too young to die, Be reckless