can you Cf my hood please .. i can never get it rite ...
heres some pics of my car
well thas the only one i have so far . .
Theres like 100 stock silver cars with carbon fiber hoods. lol. Just search and you can see what itd really look like.
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
I think the reason you can get the cf right on that picture is because there is WAY to much glare off the hood, if i were to put the cf pattern on that hood, you would only see it on the front edge near the lights. it is possible to make it look like a cf hood, but with that picture it would look very fake.
ok .. .thas true ... ill try it again ...
bored.. so i messed around.. but with the glare it is hard..
close ... enough i still like it though
not enough hood
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