I've been trying to make better looking toons recently, heres one of them

C & C welcome
very very very nice......any chance you wanna make a black one not shaved for me????

"Official Jewish J-Body"
very nice work on the 'toonings, they're beautiful. not sure if you had seen the post about darkstars wanting his car 'tooned and paying like $10 for it. the thread was pretty recent.
MFX Studios wrote:very nice work on the 'toonings, they're beautiful. not sure if you had seen the post about darkstars wanting his car 'tooned and paying like $10 for it. the thread was pretty recent.
it's actually the current contest over at creative draft. but dj teddy is banned from there.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
If I could enter it I would, For $10 I'd spend more then a few hours on it

if darkstars wants me to make him a toon I'd give it a go.
heres something i started, spent about an hour so far

I'd finish it if he wants it.
^DAMN....was this ever finished? Who won the contest ?

www.teamexoticimage.com / myspace.com/02on19s
That is some damn good tuning there. Keep it up man.

2000 2200 Cavalier: 9/14/2000--10/23/2006
2007 G85 SS S/C: 10/23/2006--Present
Vote for me at
Motortopia.com! Thanks!
Nope, that was never finish. but i still have the psd, I'd just wait around to see if Darkstars wants it finished.
you ever make any prgress on the one i asked for? its cool if not but i was thinking how would you like to make a couple bucks making a toon tailored just for me? let me know

"Official Jewish J-Body"
DJTeDDY, have ya ever thought of doing an Cobalt SS? Your work is the best and I think a Cobalt SS would look just killer as a toon done by you.
Any chance you'd share the PSD of the Sunfires?
I'd really like to play around with that for my own use. (Don't worry, you won't see it in any commercial pages)
I would appreciate it if you sent me a copy to: brennan (at) tallack (dot) ca
Machzel08: Accually I started that and was about an hour away from finished and wham, had to reformat. So I cant start another one, just let me know what you want, and few bucks would be great
JH: Nope Havent really thought about doing one, and thanks for appreciating my work ^^

If i get spare time I can do one, but it wont be for a while because my grandma passed away last night and now we have to make alot of arrangements.
Brennan: I can do that as soon as my ftp is working fine again, (it wont let me connect :\) I'll just post it up here for everyone to use. Also, if it is used on anything like a shirt, cup, anything... I'd like my name posted next to it for credit
well basically:
http://community.webshots.com/album/132884119heqfXL, i just want my car tooned in the angle you used for the other sunfire. feel free to use the pics on my webshots page. Basically i want an exact replica only tooned. And i came up with an idea. could you also do a toon of my car from teh rear too? thanks

"Official Jewish J-Body"
dud id pay for that for sure, let me know a price

I can host the PSDs for you if you'd like. Just e-mail them to me and i'll throw them on my web host. I have tons of unused bandwidth each month
oh yea, I forgot to post the PSD's I have them already uploaded on my FTP, lol sorry bout that and thanks for offering Brennan, I have a 20gig space with unlimited bandwidth for free from my friend
well here's the PSD's
black sunfire :
blue sunfire :
have fun with them, these ones arent that complex so should be easy to edit compared to the one I'm making for 02on19s with a easy 300+ layers and the psd is about 40mb. still not done either

but I have to say.. It's going to be my best yet
DJ TeDDY wrote:t compared to the one I'm making for 02on19s with a easy 300+ layers and the psd is about 40mb. still not done either
but I have to say.. It's going to be my best yet 

ohhh man....I can't wait.....damn....I can't wait........
Keep up the killer work bro...I cannot believe u are 16...Keep this up..there's no tellin how u will be doin @ 20.... The skills can reallly get u some where bro...
Thanks alot....Can't wait!@!

www.teamexoticimage.com / myspace.com/02on19s
yeah i cant wait for mine either. this is some incredible work

"Official Jewish J-Body"
Damn, he is 16. He's 3 days older than me! holy crap.
Looking at the PSD I realize just how much work you've put into those.
Incredible. You are one hell of a vector artist.
It's gonna take me a bit of time to sort through it all to edit it to resemble my car but I will figure it all out. Thank you for posting them.
Wow, these are PS? When i first looked at them after they were posted i would have sworn that they're Illustrator with a PS background. They do look very vector, but PS isn't vector. Have you tried Illustrator? I bet it would be a lot faster & use way less layers, i can't imagine keeping track of 300+! You could even combine the two if you like to do the coloring in PS, maybe make the outline in Illustrator and import. Wow.... what a ton of work in PS! I can't imagine.