So the car is back on the ground, but we are having trouble figuring out where some of the connectors go. This is one of those times I wish I was around for tear down (tool run while Jeff and Jake were working on the car). If anyone knows let me know so I can pass the message on. Main issue is the automatic transmission harness isn't matching up with the manual transmission. Do I need a manual specific harness?
The connectors we need to know locations of are as follows:
Coming from the main harness they go in this order on the driver's side of the motor (ground also on this line)...

We know the last one is an o2 sensor, but not what the other two go to.
Passenger side. There are a total of 3 connectors on this one. This is the only one he didn't know, but I forget what the other two were.
Back of motor. I'm not all that sure where this one is coming from but a large part of the wire is red so it should be easier to spot where is goes.
A couple other random problems, which aren't electrical related. The throttle cable attaches to the throttle body different between the 2.4 and Eco. The 2.4 has a barrel end while the Eco needs to have a ball on the end in order to lock into place. Ideas? Mike?
Kinda hoping to keep my cruise control, but have no clue how this would attach to the throttle body.
The top two pics are the harness ends to the nutral safety switch on the trans. I've not been able to find my other gm manual so I could rewire the new auto harness i picked up correctly for use on my 5 spd.
The one with the yellow grommet is your alternator one I believe
Pic number 3 and 5, plug those into eachother. Thats the seconday O2 sensor that comes up from under the car.
You will need an eco throttle and cruise cable.
gtpsunfire wrote:Pic number 3 and 5, plug those into eachother. Thats the seconday O2 sensor that comes up from under the car.
You will need an eco throttle and cruise cable.
No you wont. The 2.4 throttle cable will work fine, I know I have a eco swapped car. But as far as the cruse control, idk since i took it off my car and dont have cruise control.
Sorry to threadjack but since we're on the subject of cruise control, does anyone know where the cruise control module mounts on the ecotec cars? I've googled it and can't find where it mounts at.
On the eco cars, one leg of the bracket goes to the top of the motor mount the other the passenger strut tower nut.
cheapin out eh should have just gotten eco wiring and been done with it also the wires only reach certain areas and on;y plug into certain spots
JBO since July 30, 2001