Does anyone know if the front transmission mount from a Beretta (95 2.2 5 speed) is the same as a 95 cavalier 2.2 5 speed?
yeah it does, if u ever need to check something like that go to look up the part and then when u select the part and u are looking at the screan there is a box on the left side titled*FOR YOUR VEHICLE* (just to the right of the navagation bar) and at the bottom of that box is a link *SEE ALL VEHICLES THIS PRODUCT FITS* and there u have it
according to that website only the auto mounts are the same. I guess the 5 speeds are different mounts. Advance doesnt list anything for the 5 speed.
advance will sell the insert for the front tranny mount don't remember how much but i know i asked for my 96 2.2 5 speed and that's wut they said
4 door civic on the way
i need a daily driver