Hello to all, I just bought 8 1/2" Blitzluft valves 280 psi -15mm orfice. I had done my research one these valves with very good reviews. The one thing is that I wasn't thinking when I ordered, I should have gotten 3/8" for the dump, however I can fix it with mufflers or speed reducers. The other thing is that I want to get cyliinders for the rear so I can do a "dog leg" or "3-wheel tuck" (I know I need extra valves and a accumulator). Im thinking of getting the ones off of airbagit,com. I had air on a cav before with the easy street setup. This time I would like to do something different. So my questions are:
1. Does anyone have "Blitzluft" valves? and is 1/2 really fast on a cav? I will be running at the 180 to 200 psi mark.
2. I need a diagram of how to set up the valves on the cylinders to to a "dog leg/3 wheel"
Thank you to all who can help. Attached is the only real picture I have of my old cav with the air ride on it, I had it painted a week later then the ex smashed it too bits R.I.P CAV
got air?
Hey man, Yes 1/2" @ 200PSI is fast, Your car will hop a good 4-6" in the rear. I swapped over to a custom bag setup in the rear and still hop a little. I am running 1/2" Lines also.
However if you want FULL speed out of your 1/2 Valves use 3/4" Airline. The reason is a 1/2" Valve has a 1/2" Hole in the center, and 3/4" Air line has a 1/2" Hole in the center.
As for the Dogleg, I dont have a diagram but Ill try to explain
You should use all of the same size valves for this to work properly Both Fill and Dump for the Normal lift and Dog-leg.
Simply get a second pair of valves and run them to the lower port on your cylinder just like you did the top. Then Wire the valves to your switchbox the oposite of the upper valve set.
It should be wired so the UPPER fill valves and LOWER Dump valve opne at the same time. And the UPPER dump valve and LOWER fill valve also open at the same time.
Hope that makes sence.
Hey thanks for the info, nice car by the way
I ran 3/8" valves with 1/2" airline on the last setup. As for the cylinder info, it makes sense just hard to plan right now with no cylinders in hand haha. I will think I will get em soon thanks again,
got air?