hey guys, could u all with your rear tie bars installed post up some pictures, i have one i bought off mastin and have no idea how it bolts on (its a straight aluminum, no idea what brand)
i couldnt find any pics either, saw a real nice how to by event, but all the pics were not working.
I used to have some pics floating around too, but I can't seem to find them any more. At one point, I made mastin some brackets to attach a tie bar to the same bracket as the sway bar. There are two methods of attaching the bar floating around-
1. Traditional method:
Attach the bar to the end links on the sway bar. I did mine directly below the bracket before switching to Event's method.
2. Event's idea/method:
Make a custom bracket that has a hole for the end-links and another hole for the tie bar about an inch from the end-links.
So, as you can see the bars will be different in length depending on how he planned to attach it. I would assume that he would sell you a bar that was meant for the traditional method of attaching it to the end-links.
The eye (heim) bolts, bolts on the ends you need sway bar 'L' brackets.
Or get some made up.
Let me know which sway bar you have,
Addco old style, you had to drill
Addco new style, bolts to the rear shocks a.k.a
RK sport or Eibach
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
oh boy... dont you know what u sold me!!!!? hahha
anways, it came with the "L" brackets that bolt to the bottom of the shock... although i still dont see how to install the tie bar, theres only 2 holes on the "L"... one for the shock bolt, and one for the sway bar connection (bushings and bolt)
well... unless im supposed to use the sway bar connection??? idk if the bolt hole in the tie bar will be big enough, ill have to check...
If you've ever seen autocrossers going hard around a corner, you may have seen the rear wheel come off of the ground, in mid air.
The rear tiebar keeps this from happening and boxes in the rear trailing arms for more precise handling.
Hope this explains it.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

The tie bar never helped to keep my inside tire from lifting, maybe it works on other cars but certainly not mine.
A tie bar helps to keep the distance between the trailing arms the same, thus improving the efficiency of the sway bar.
A tie bar helps to keep the distance between the trailing arms the same, thus improving the efficiency of the sway bar.
But something is awry with your setup if you're lifting your rear inner tire.
Too stiff in the rear and too loose in the front if you ask me.
Too much weight transfer to the front outer tire while the rear inner tire unloads it's weight to the front.
Not sure of your setup but I'm sure that can be tuned out.
Thanks for the clarification.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

Well, I only used to lift the inside tire when I was on stock springs and struts with swaybars and a tie bar. Problem solved with springs and AGX's.
Yup, that explains it.
Less load shifting to the front outer tire and everything a bit more balanced.
Good work.
I love your sig though, pretty sweet pic.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

anways, it came with the "L" brackets that bolt to the bottom of the shock... although i still dont see how to install the tie bar, theres only 2 holes on the "L"... one for the shock bolt, and one for the sway bar connection (bushings and bolt)
You're correct.
My bad I wasn't clear.
The same bolt you're using for the bushings, you put the tie bar connections.
There are a couple ways to do it, I'll try to describe as best I can........ threads down in my examples.
1) Bolt head up threads going down...... bolt head, washer, bushing, 'L', bushing, washer, eye/heim link, washer, bushing, sway bar, bushing, washer, nut, threads
Basically, you're replacing the metal sleeve with the eye/hiem link bolt.
Or if you have the older longer sway bar, you're placing it inbetween the 2 washers. In wich case you may need a longer bolt.
2) Same as above but...............bolt head, eye bolt, washer, bushing, "L", bushing, washer, sleve (or not), washer, bushing, sway bar, bushing, washer, nut, threads
That should help out finally I hope.
If not just shoot me a PM or something no prob.
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
if im not mistaken i do believe u sent me some new grade 8 bolts that were longer than the addco's....
lol, do u remember any of this?
That's good then.
Just use one of the two schemes I mentioned an you'll be fine.
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
what is that part number for that hellwig bar?
<a href = 'http://ivpnewmedia.com/10thst/tifts/'>
<img src = 'http://ivpnewmedia.com/10thst/tifts/dpBanner.gif'></a>
Call Hellwig @ 1-800-367-5480
I went to their site and had seen no application for the J-body.
But give them a call anyway.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

I did that and they told me there wasnt no application with a cavalier or sunfire.
<a href = 'http://ivpnewmedia.com/10thst/tifts/'>
<img src = 'http://ivpnewmedia.com/10thst/tifts/dpBanner.gif'></a>
Just measure the distance between the sway bar mounts then buy a piece of 1" tubing and 2 each threaded inserts and heim joints with the apporpriate size hole to match the swaybar endlink bolt and make your own.
2000 Z24 5spd header & catback for now.
mastin... i dont spose u have a close up pic of the tie-bar heim joints and how their mounted on the sway bar end links?
anybody have one?
also... i opened up the box o goodies you sent me and inside i noticed you sent a set of custom "L" brackets one side being longer than the other, this one had the big hole for the shock bolt and 2 smaller ones. to me it looks like one of the smaller ones is meant to be on top of the shock bolt (which i dont understand because you couldnt physically bolt anything through it as the shock would be in the way) the only way i could see it being made for the tie bar is if one of the smaller holes was actually the bigger hole.
lol, ima get pics on my lunch break so you can see... way to confusing.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Friday, May 18, 2007 9:53 AM
Since you have so many L brackets,
I'll have to see them to remember how it all goes together.
I have a set of those custom brackets as well.
So depending on how long the tie bar is, depends on which bracl\ket and holes you'll use.
But I don't remember how long the bar was that I sent.
I remember having to send like 4 bars to one guy since the sizes never came out right.
Cost me like over $100 after we finally got the right one.
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
Damn, I never knew this bar existed lol.. I thought I had my rear suspention all tied up..
Is Hellwig the only people that make this?
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
Mastin wrote:I remember having to send like 4 bars to one guy since the sizes never came out right.
booooooooo i hope the one i got is the correct length

im hoping to put my addco bar on tonight as well as the tie bar, but unfortunatly im a dumass and FORGOT to take pics
me FTL
All good,
Whenever you're ready.
If it turns out you need another bar, I'll get it for ya and have it shipped to youraddress of choice no problem.
They have em in stainless now so depending on price I'll try for that
But usually, my pocket can only handle the aluminum versions.
Damn, I never knew this bar existed lol.. I thought I had my rear suspention all tied up.
The Helwig was nice.
Came in 19mm and if your were luckly years ago 25.4mm versions.
I forget who I was pestering to buy their 25.4mm.
But, choice now adays for rears are: Addco (22mm or 25.4mm), Eibach(22mm), or Progress(22mm).
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
heres the 'custom' L bracket:
i only way i see it being functional is to have it sit basically the way i have it (on the driver's side) but the shock bolt hole would be to small. maybe you got them drilled backwards?
also, i dont see how there is enough room to hang the tie bar onto the sway bar bolt/bushings, dont even see how theres enough room for the BAR let alone the tie bar heim joint.
thanks for the help!