Hey Board-
This started on another thread, but I thought it warranted its own thread.
My 84 will qualify for historic plates in 2 years (25 years old). I have always wanted to get them. I was wondering if any of you were aware of any drawbacks?
Think of that, an 84 with historic plates... Time sure does fly. I was in Junior High when my J Car was new...
I was just born when your car was new
anyways, I don't know if it varries form state to state but in IL there are restrictions for cars with antique plates, They are aloud to be driven to or from repair shops, gas stations, and car shows/events, if I remeberright that nly applies during the week, I believe on the weekends you take it whereever you want. Also there is a mileage limitation, your not aloud to drive over a specific number of miles a year na dits a low bumber, a few thoudand,
Your best bet would be looking up your local DOT website, they explain requirements etc.. for renwing and the types of plates.
i know up in bc canada it can only be driven for pleasure and to and from repair shops.