Hey, can someone who knows the differences tell me if I can use a 2.0 turbo exhaust manifold on my 1.8 turbo head. My original tubular manifold has been re-welded numerous times due to cracks and metal crystallization and is no longer usable due to misaligned ports and bolt holes. The 2.0 manifolds are readily available but not the 1.8. From pictures they look interchangeable even though the 2.0 appears to be a cast exhaust. Can someone confirm that I can use the 2.0 manifold on my 1.8 head? Are there any diffs in the turbo mounting or port sizes or in the bolt hole spacing of either manifold? Thanks.
i believe you can, not 100% sure tho.
watch for flying sparks!!!
Yeah, like I said, they look virtually identical. I wonder if anyone has access to various exhaust gaskets to tell if they are the same, or just to know if the cylinder head castings are the same?
Don... I think this might help you a bit.
1.8 LA-5 engines and 2.0 LT-3 engine exhaust gaskets match to the head. Manifold bolts right up to 1.8 head, bolts/studs all hardware ok also. 1.8 turbo bolts to the 2.0 mani w/o any changes to manifold necessary.
Then the diff part(s).... read carefully, please.
The flange portion of the manifolds.... that's where the turbo bolts to, flat surface- with 4 holes:
1.8 manifold locates the turbo at an angle of approx. 41.25 degrees from a verticle line coming up from the ground (imaginary line if you will)
2.0 manifold locates its turbo at an angle of approx. 27.5 degrees from verticle...blah-blah.
What this does is tilt the turbo at a different angle than what was used on the steel tubular manifold. It also changes the angle at the downpipe connection by the same amount of degrees. Read as the pipe won't bolt up just like the original one. Can make a new pipe or heat/beat the sheet outa the original one until the angle is changed. It's not really a large amount, but never the less it leaks pretty bad & make quite a bit of noise( yay, lets hear it for noise!) not to mention, fumes into interior of car. Kinda sucks in the winter with windows cranked up.
Next item is; the mounting flange of the 2.0 turbo, yep again, is shifted to one side further, than the 1.8's was. Just use the red 2.0 up pipe, as it's just about a perfect fit. Diameter/hose connections, clamps fit just fine.
Yeah it sounds like it's complicated, but really it's not..."with the correct parts to start with" !
Wanna save some work? I "think" I have an almost perfect 1.8 and a couple of good ones , I know I have several of the 2.0 manifolds in shop, out back. Shot me an e/mail if interested. Have fun
I'll PM you for the details. Thanks.
Don't know how busy you've been, but I am interested in the manifolds you have to offer. Please check your messages and email back the details. Thanks.