I am not sure what to say...
The ad said " It's best to see car in person."
I don't think I could handle that!
If this doesn't testify to the toughness and robustness of a 1st Gen, well I don't know what would!
uuuuummmph....I think I may have nightmares tonight!
People are so interesting sometimes...
How many pounds of Bondo you figure is hanging on the RR quarter???
wonder if he'd take a $1.00 for it
Surprising , it looks pretty good , under the hood.
Yes, that engine looks like the cleanest part of the car.
Hello everyone,
I am new here and just started looking for a hatchback. I live in CA and figured they would be easy to find here but so far no luck. I had an 84' or 85' Type 10 that I bought used in 1986. We kept it until 1990 when my wife got a company car and we no longer needed it. I wish we had hung onto it. So the search continues.
In my search however this one came up today not far from where I live. Looks decent and the price seems right.
If anyone has any leads on a hatchback please let me know.
Orlen Brown wrote:
Of all the air filter boxes I've seen in GM's that is the ugliest and worst one they used, and that stupid T exhaust header is also junk. Wish GM should have stuck with the earlier 4-1 header design for the 2.0's till the 2.2's in 1990. Does anybody happen to know if the older 4-1 header would bolt up in place of the T one?
What... the hell :|
I've never seen such a beast before.
Reading on, anyone read about the 89 they have for sale that's beside the car?
Also have a 1989 cavalier 2 door hardtop that I bought on Ebay 7/11 from an
estate.It had ac and I've come to the conclusion that she is haunted possessed by
a ghost or just doesn't like me. One problem is I've had to have rotors turned
twice within 120 miles. Brake line blew out. and a whole lot more. I'm the type
that believes very little of ghost stories are true. The prior owner only had the
one car. About two weeks after she died, the house caught on fire and thats when
the family found out she had died. I had to get a new ignition key made as the
original key damaged in the fire. I will soon be putting the 1989 cavalier on
Still, for $200 I'd buy it. (Goes for the haunted 89 too
Where I live $200 only gives you a rotten cavalier with little to no good parts left on it.