Looking for a set of black painted door handels
you could always paint your own.
arent there part numbers for painted handles, you should be able to go to a dealership and have them order them for you
Its very easy to do yourself. Its a crappy how to on it but it should give you a somewhat idea.
1. Sand down the handle I usually go from 100 grit to 600 grit.
2. Wash off all dust on the handles with alcohol.
3. Put newspaper or painters tape around the area you will be painting.
4. Lay about 6 coats of Primer since your doing black try to find black primer.
5. Once the primer has dried sand it down using very fine grit sand paper. Just in case theres any inprefections in the primer. Clean with alcohol again.
6. Lay 6 coats of Black Paint.
7. Once the paint dried wet sand it very fine grit again. Clean with alcohol again.
8. Lay several coats of Clear.
9. Wet sand again clean with alcohol.
10. Get some 3M Rubbing Compound and Shine Restore rub it on the handle and your done.
I think its cheaper doing it this way than to order it. Or you can spend some money and have a paint shop do it for you which is also cheap.