Saturday June 17, 2006
4PM - Sport Compact - Custom Tuners - Mini - Truck Show
6PM - Stereo Competition
8PM - Swimsuit Contest
After Dark - Neon Light Competition
I-79 TO EXIT 99, RT. 422 EAST
Myself and SteelCitySounds and a few other members on ROE are going. Anybody from the Org going up?
thought about it...
anyone go to this before???
i went the past few years, it's small but fun.
yea ive been here, actually, i dunno if it was last year or the year b4, i won with my 97 cavi, wasnt a great turn out but its a good time, the bikini contest was great other that the 350 lbs bitch there last time. sound competition is great, lotsa cars show so if there is anyone goin, get at me bc ill go but my new cav doesnt have many mods yet but ill go and sho. or get at me on aim
I am going, find steel city sounds and you'll probably find me.
hey, i think your my buddys brother in laws friend, shawn is my friends brother in law, who drives the s-10 (steelcitysounds).......
buddy's brother in lost me but yeah me and steel (shawn) have been freinds for 15 years.
you might know him, my friend ben, its his brother in law that is shawn, shawns married to my buddies sister kelly.
i should be there shopping very cheaply, hopefully i can get something worth while