I might need some, like two 10 foot pieces, something like that. Anyone have some that could hook a brother up on the down low?
to bad you whern't closer i got plenty sitting next to me.
good luck.
Plenty as in how much $ for how much footage? Drop me a pm.
im pretty sure 4 gauge i have in the garage, or in the car that I will be swapping out for 0 gauge.
You help me swap it out, and its yours. also bring that amp by.
What are you using this tiny stuff for?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:09 PM
For my new 4 channel amp. Whatcha doing Saturday Mr. Benham?
this weekend is shot, getting ready for next weekend.....which is the boys birthday party.
Im open next week though.
Next week will be good. I have a thing I'm djing on Saturday night, that's the only thing I have going on.
yeah, anytime you are heading out my way and can spare an hour or so to pull out the old and slam down the new. It shouldnt be all that hard with how it is ran. But gimme a hand, and its yours. Im fairly sure there is at least 20' in 1 piece there for you.