well. i was looking at dealerships, and just around town, looking for some cavaliers/sunfires for sale.
saw in a "budget [lol]" car lot a, FROM FAR AWAY, beautiful 2005 cavalier coupe in yellow.
it was a 1SV, automatic, had tint, and stock rims i have never seen before. they were the 16" sport rims.
but instead of in a normal machined face, or chrome. they looked like the lip was machined/chrome and the spokes
were powdered gunmetal/grey. looked bad ass. but when i walked up to it....i almost wanted to puke, lol.
it had to have been in an accident. the bumper was all mangled up, and what looked to be hot glued back together.
then resprayed with paint. the whole front end was repainted as well. the bad part about the paint too was that it seriously was an inch thick.
i kid you not. it was so layered on there, and not even sanded smooth, it was runny, and full of celulite. and it was chipping off everywhere.
you could see the old yellow paint underneath. and whatever kind of paint they used.....i touched it, and it left yellow on my hand [paint was not wet either]
im looking for a yellow 04-05 1SV, either auto/stick [prefer auto but can drive both] dont want an 03 tho, dont like the silver trim on tails and dont wanna swap. lol
lookin to have spoiler on back, sunroof, the 16" rims....all the 1SV stuff. like i said, lookin for yellow, and NOT like the crappy ass one i saw today! also need to have 80k or less on it. wont even consider it, if its in the 100's. also accptable would be a sunburst/orange cav with same stuff, and mite consider black as well. oh, if not a 1SV i dont wanna do a complete base model. so 1SV or LSS only. not looking to spend more than 4 for a 1SV and 5k for a LSS.
that silver bar on the back is just double sided tape holding it on.. rip it off.