Just wanted to start one post so everyone knows whats up. were going to have our monthly meet at the best buy show on june 30th the location is basically the intersection of michigan road and 96th street first year show as far as i know so probalby wont be that many cars there, but gives us a change to meet up and hang out. i will try and get ahold of someone at the store and get some info. but im sure it will be the standards 10 or so till probably 3 or 4. most of us will arrive when the show starts, i know the one in noblesville was free not sure if this one is or not, like i said i'll try and call for info. hope everyone in the indy area comes out to hang out and have fun. if you know your coming let us know so we have a decent headcount. and if u want to show let us know and we will make sure we get an area with enough spots for all of us.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
nm got plans..
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:34 AM
eh it's $10. no biggie. less beers to drink that day.
my carDomain updated 6/4/07 I've got premium. Yes I do. I've got premium. How 'bout you?
if i can change my plans saturday to sunday ill swing down. always seems to be the wrong weekends for these meets. every other weekend i got plans with my dad and you guys like picking those weekends lol.
yeh i understand. im debating to enter the show or not. gotsta show stock styling
would put my 18s on but i gotta buy 2 new center caps and at 25bucks a peice its taking a little while lol. plus i mean i dont wanna win best truck or anything..
i'll swing by for a bit....but theres nothing to show with my car
dont know if ill make it. car is not mobile due to stripped out suspension bolts
i'll bring the civic.......cavi go boom
Ben D(Silver J on 1Nines) wrote:i'll bring the civic.......cavi go boom
you should change ur name now since u aren't on 1Nines nemore. noob.
my carDomain updated 6/4/07 I've got premium. Yes I do. I've got premium. How 'bout you?
s1lver_N1p wrote:Ben D(Silver J on 1Nines) wrote:i'll bring the civic.......cavi go boom
you should change ur name now since u aren't on 1Nines nemore. noob.
You shouldnt get arrested anymore lmao
13.1 @ 115
s1lver_N1p wrote:Ben D(Silver J on 1Nines) wrote:i'll bring the civic.......cavi go boom
you should change ur name now since u aren't on 1Nines nemore. noob.
who is to say i'm not gonna get new 19s?