Thanks for the wing I wanted. It is just sweet that the paint color is even the same. Us silver J's have to stick together now. Sorry I didn't even think about swapin' trunks to help you out. If you want I can hold off a few days if you want to swap before I drill it. It is at least kind of me to wait since you gave me such a deal on the wing.

You know my number if you want to do it. Thanks again man!
o geez.. so what u want me to do with this red one i picked up yesterday?
Bastered! I felt like crap when I read that, but I did say call me before you buy anything. I'm looking at so much stuff for the 01 I buy the stuff that I save the most money on first, or what the car really needs like tires. I think I'm getting a good deal on some 17's I might pick up, but need more pic's. Thanks for the droping gut feeling.
lol, u still gettin those Sportlines from the guy on JBOK? i was really plannin on em then joey told me u were interested and i was like forget it lol.. then i read ur new car post and u had plans with em i was like welp there those go lol. o well just made me think and i decided to save all i get till next spring for some coilovers..
I'm not going to get the used set for 100 and stock springs if you want to contact him. I was tryin' to get the ones for 150 new, but the guy hasn't got back to me. You can jump on it, and sell them when you get your coils cause they don't go for less to 100 most of the time. I think I'm getting some 17's and HID's first, but need a drop soon.
I believe you have my spoiler
I took it off my car, DTP sent me $ for it, Cheeter picked it up when he came to get some other stuff from me, he gave it to DTP for me who gave it to Jnickle hahahah and I guess you have it now
Actually trey thats my Spoiler off my 2000 Silver Cav, me and JNickel swaped trunks about a year ago and I now have his trunk and spoiler on my car and you have my old spoiler.
hahaha and the plot thickens
slut of a spoiler I tell ya. Trey I'll be down this weekend, might be able to swap lids using my truck...
Its ok Ryan, I'm still rockin your spoiler. Can't give that up...that was a sweet surprise from DTP.
And yes, this is from Cheeter's's not quite the slut that cavattack's rims are LOL
If all works out Trey, I could be down this weekend. The girl works all day Sat. and Sun., so if either day is good for you I can try to be there early. Just give me a shout and we can get this done.
Well I'm glad you are letting me help you out some. Cause really you are helping me out more. Cause now I don't have to drill.

I will make up a template of just the 03+ holes from the 03 trunk I have from a local I'm not going to use now. Also does the 03 wing just use the bottom stock 02 holes, or did you have to drill anything for them?
he never drilled any holes....
We were going to put my 2000 Z spoiler onto the 05 trunk but the spoiler holes were different than the LS Spoiler
The Z spoiler has 2 extra holes which is why we did not trade spoilers when we swaped the trunks out.