While For Sale posts are allowed, within reason, in the Regional Forums, please realize that the Region encompasses a rather large area.
As such, please use the following examples to save everyone not in your area some hassle. The subject line contains 50 characters, try to be a descriptive as possible.
FS: 97Z24 Front Bumper. Lexington, KY pickup only.
This let's the people in the outer areas of the region know where the item is located, and that you aren't willing to ship.
WTB: 00-03 Sunfire headlights. Madison,WI
This example let's people in your area know you Want To Buy (WTB) this item, and if local, would likely arrange pickup. If not, shipping can be arranged.
Of course, you can go into all the detail you want in the post, but this helps people, myself included, know if items aren't easily available to me. I would know, using the first example, that the Z24 bumper isn't available for shipping, and I would look elsewhere.
This is a great idea... hope it gets implicated.. esp, when seller wont ship
good idea and intentions... but dont think it'll catch.
yeah, haven't caught anyone online yet to get it stickied.
As far as it catching on... when I start deleting posts that don't conform, people will get the idea.
one problem...people selling more then one thing, how do you address that?
FS: Asst. Parts 97Z24, Nashville, TN will ship
I think that would cover it well enough.