Hey guys, looking to switch things up this season. I need one of the following:
-Someone to swap front ends with - needs to be 00-02 Z24, silver, for my 03 silver Z24 front end. Must be mint.
-Just the 00-02 Z24 stock front bumper, fog lights included or not - as long as the filler pieces for them are there its fine with me... preferably silver.
Let me know what you have, and what you want for it.

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
respond to my pm @ the JCO ! lol.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
ive got a silver front end, but i dont have a silver hood.... there was a guy in kitchener (dougal knows him) that wants a 03-05 Z front end, but i think he might have already swapped to 95-99 for some retarded reason.......check with Dougal....
I have a COMPLETE front end to swap..... Not bits and peices.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
Dave l got a 00 Silver hood....
I know dave im very pissed and disappointed about what I did I got toatlly low balled on that deal...then the next day when I found out you were gonna swap me @!#$! I was so mad an also another guy told me he would swap me too.....I have been wanting to swap for months now, and when i finally do something with it everyone decides to do it !!!! oh well im still looking to get an 03 front, good luck with your journey dave lol
GETBACK TO ME DAVE !! AHHH !! ...send me a pm, at the very least give me a response.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
no lol you arent allowed to have an 03 front lol
Well, we sent some pm's back and fourth between us, and he just went off the radar over the past couple weeks now...
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"