What do you call your car instead calling it by the model name and make.
i would say black knight for yours. mine might be white lightning.
The old 12 passenger Dodge van we had when i was a kid we called "Big Red"
My winter beater is commonly referred to as "the derby car"
Sometimes my dad calls his Vette "candy" because "its small and sexy, like a Candy" lol
Sometimes I'll call the Sunfire "the disappointment" when it cant hear me but I usually just refer to it as the car.
I'll refer to the old Pickup as the death ford on occasion because it could rust in half at any given moment.
People around here call it the Chelotus.
I call mine dead by deer
Before that i cussed at it a bunch
Never named it in 10years. Oh well...
96 vert=Daily Driver vert
01 Z24=The Z
78 chevy c20 truck=Betsy
All of them are money grubbing whores that just take and take and dont give much in return except take some more.
Amen just like are girl friends.
05 4dr cavy= Hope (named after little sister)
2010 Lonestar Bash 2nd place J-Body Street Class
green 96 z24 = green apple
red 96 z24 = red apple
silver 03 sunfire = sunburn/turd/pos
blackbirdracing wrote:I call it the canObeer
or beer, friends sometimes call the current j the bullet because it's silver and supercharged and a play on the can o beer name...like coors lite
would you put the nick name of your car on your windsheild?
adam wagner wrote:would you put the nick name of your car on your windsheild?
No I wouldnt.. not if it had a human sounding nickname.. it would be confusing. think of Kyle driving around with the name Marry J on his windshield LOL.
Something like the silver bullet might be funny or work though.. but its not very original... people call my ZX6R that because its silver and fast. Hell anything silver and fast people call that.
Once I had 6 different colors on the body I named my cavalier, Colorblind.
One of my friends has a black beretta which he named Black Betty. His license plate is BAM B LAM.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Brandon....color blind? Haha I like it