does anyone know what timing marks to line up on a 2.0 OHC.
need help pic if anyone has one.
Team Zero
i honestly think there should be timing marks on each sprocket/gear i can get you pics tomorrow most likely though
The one, the only, ME.
yea i know that but there is like 2 different timing marks on the crank. but there is only 1 on the cam.
Team Zero
o yea it is a 2gen phase 2 2.0 OHC or for u other people 1993 2.0 OHC
Team Zero
is it a 93 bird or cav? that way i can look up pics for ya
The one, the only, ME.
1993 bird
Team Zero
alright well ill get what i can for ya on setting the timing
The one, the only, ME.
well all i could find was literature on how to no pictures with it
but all ti said was to line the marks on the cam and crank with the marks on the rear cover
The one, the only, ME.