so, I sold my cavalier a few weeks ago, to be driven off to Michigan.
and Now I've bought a ... (dun dun dunnnnnnnn)... a HONDA CIVIC muahaHAHAHAHA!!
yup. a 2000 honda civic ex 5-speed, black... 70,000 miles (mostly highway)
perfect exterior, great interior. was askin' 9k, i got it for 8,500. i had someone else look at it and call, and that was the lowest he'd go for him too. (good thinkin, eh?)
so yea. I'm not gonna get all into it like the cavy, but it'll be nice 'n clean 'n subtle.
All I need to do now is get my police job, and everything i've wanted to happen in the next year will happen (crosses fingers)
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!
Pig. LOL just kidden. As much as I hate to admit it, those little import engines can last a long time.
Autobody/ paint
Troy V wrote:Pig. LOL just kidden. As much as I hate to admit it, those little import engines can last a long time.
^ yup
congrats on the wedding btw..
2002 Toyota Celica GT
gotta do what ya gotta do to make some money, ya know?
they ARE good cars.. I'm not buyin' it to make it some show winner like every other civic. i got married, it's great on gas, it's a good i dea.
thnx, mike.
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!
X-evo wrote:I'm not buyin' it to make it some show winner like every other civic.
i think your mistaken. i see alot more ricer civics out there then show winners.
congrats though!
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....