Alright. It was mentioned somewhere by someone that we try some new ideas for a MN J Logo. As I said in Off Topic I got a few ideas and am looking for input or other suggestions. Here's 4 that Ive made...
(Note, if this thread is getting long and Ive made/uploaded newer logos, I will probably delete these ones so they may eventually become pretty red X's)
So, let me know what you guys think.
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Post Edited (04-21-05 6:53 PM)
dont like same old sorry!
Thanks shifted... Why is it that when I post pics like that they dont work. I see how you changed the path. When I am on the Upload image screen, and choose to view the image, I use that path... which isnt the one you changed them to... Im confused on why if I type (or copy and paste) the path, it works... but for linking it doesnt...
We got one vote for keeping the current logo.
Anyone else?
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Not bad, a little plain for my taste, though those would make OK stickers. (Granted Jason thinks they will be able to be cut right)
Sandstorm (The Deviant One) wrote:Thanks shifted... Why is it that when I post pics like that they dont work. I see how you changed the path. When I am on the Upload image screen, and choose to view the image, I use that path... which isnt the one you changed them to... Im confused on why if I type (or copy and paste) the path, it works... but for linking it doesnt...
One of the mysteries of the org I suppose. To get the links you should use, you should view them like another member would through your profile. Unfortunately this means associating the pics with a car, but I think you only have to do that, then you can un-associate them and go on with your life. - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
i say to just take the one that we have now... and switch the cavy sunfire with a Type J cavy and a Streetfire Sunfire... i think that would look pretty good... but thats just my opinion...
Any of those with the tire tracks would be very time consuming, but probably could be done... Whatever does or doesn't happen, the logo has to say or no one would every be able to figure out what the heck it meant or where to go. #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
i think arlo got the right Idea just change the cars to modded cars but the rest is fine the way it is
Arlo and Racinpyro- I was thinking more of the logos of the vynals for our cars.
Jason- I agree with the idea of having the website incorperated with the design, Dave had the Idea of J BoMin and I liked it so I went with it. If you think the tiretread would really be too difficult to make let me know. But theres a reason for it...
I put in the tire tread design simply because if someone doesnt know what a "J-Body" is, the tiredreads can help give some hints, and make it a little more obviouse then "jsut a bumper sticker" to people who dont know. I also chose a tire tread because it implies something car-related, with out litterally being a car (I dont want a sticker ofa car on my car...).
If anyones got any other ides... Design ideas, something to use instead of a tire tread, cool fonts... Let me know and Ill Photoshop 'er up.
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The tire tread is cool and can work if.... You make each tread larger, and the lines in between larger. Just do less of the little lines/treads and make them bigger, and they should be OK to do. #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
ALright Jason, ya I hear ya on that. I already edited the design i found cuz I knew little peices would not be fun to make lol. Not to mention they'd come off the cars in the wash.
Regardless, any tread-type design would probably take a while for you to cut. Have fun
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Previous pictues deleted due to size, name overwriting, and noone liked em...
Heres my newest idea...
Jason... Does the tread on this one look ok?
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So you like my wiring jobs better then my Computer Graphics?
-This is Sandstorm with new author/sig
-- The The One One --
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i wouldnt waste space on my car for that UGLY AND SAME OLD
Here, the thing in my opinion that ruins the Logo is the state ... its ugly ... so i played around on photoshop for a while and came up with this as my favorite. What u all think??
It has a more sporty, performance look ... And I would definently put this somewhere on my car
I like Nicks #1, however, would you like me to clean it up and do it in Illustrator? That way, I can make it all vector based and export it as an eps for Jason.
If I have some time, maybe I'll play and do one. Then again, time is hard to come by. I still owe that guy with the trans am a sig
Yeah, the tire tread made it look like a thing of corn, I really like #1

I like Nick's ideas.
I thought the tire tread idea would tip-off people that "j-bodies" is a car thing. Cuz anyone who isnt in our club pretty much will have no idea what it means, so having the stickers are almost pointless anyways.
The tire tread is like the only thing, maybe a rim or something?
I just thought there should be something car related so more people would at least have a better idea of what "j-bodies" is about.
-- The The One One --
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