Just getting a general idea where people will be staying. I know that I will be in the Days Inn from July 7-10.
I suggest if you guys are going and don't have hotel's booked yet you hurry up!
What are the rates at that hotel??? How about the rates for the suites??
You know any of the other rates for the hotels and/or the suite rates?
Sheit.... I didn't know the hotels were booking fast. I hope there are still some suites left
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
what is the phone number for the hotel?
thanks... now i gotta see if i'll be able to afford it this year.
tony sign us up :b
<IMG SRC="http://webpages.sdsmt.edu/~1272797/doodsig26wa.jpg">
Colin, tell me more about this...
That is my b-day weekend... Call me w/ info so I can plan this
HiLow Customs
yea, 3. The bash is technically the 8-9th. With the car show or track day on the 8th, so it would be good to get in early.
Ill have to book it here pretty quick and anyone else thats goin should too so we can all hang out...
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/wolfeman/wolfeman.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif">
with the way my cash is flowing....ill find a place to park and sleep in my car
^^^^^^ im with him lol
i'll stop by your rooms though and party lol

04 sunfire auto 16.3@82.5.................for now
Sheit I already have the time off, ill sleep in my car too if I have to but Im goin man fo sho..lol
Later, Dave
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/wolfeman/wolfeman.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif">
if i can go, i'll give someone like $20 a night to sleep on their hotel room floor.
otherwise i'll end up probably sleeping in the car too. unless i can find a campground and have room to bring the tent.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
We will have k!@#&c and you can give us 20 bucks to sleep on our floor...lol
Well be goin fo sho man I hope all the people who say there gonna go do we'll have one helluva big group there..
does anyone know the fees for the show and about the drag strip??
thanks, Dave
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/wolfeman/wolfeman.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif">
If you're going to show and/or race, it's like $35-40... I don't remember which.
If you just want to go and watch everything, it's free.
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
we need to all head down in a group to that would be some good times all the way there

04 sunfire auto 16.3@82.5.................for now
Well I think a few of us will be leavin on Thursday morning so if you wanna convoy let us know...
Later, Dave
JenDo's imaginary friend "Kyle" says you guys have mental issues...lol
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/wolfeman/wolfeman.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif">
yeah the plan is too leave thurs morning andget down there thurs night, stay till Sun morning and then head back.
HiLow Customs
If you guys plan on going through chicago ... bring lots and lots of change for the tolls. It was about 80 cents per visit ... and I think it was 4 - 5 visits. The chicago sky way is another 2 - 3 dollars, but im not sure if you wana go that way. Just a heads up.