Ok i know for a fact its possible to convert my car to a rwd car and i know i would need a new motor and tranny and rear axle but can anyone tell me what else i might need to do the conversion from front wheel drive to rear wheel drive any help would be apreciated and plz no rude imature comments if you dont have anything helpful to say then i dont want to have to waste my time and read it
If you have the ability to swap to RWD, You should see the issues just by looking at the car.
Firewall will need to be cut as well as a hump for a drive shaft. Finding a rear axle that is the right width, or having one narrowed.
And that's still not even the tip of the iceberg.
its really not that hard. anybody with some fabrication skills and a willing enough wallet could do it.
get to work and let us know how it comes out.
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
dude you are 18 years old. i doubt you have the money to do such a thing.
just trade in your cavalier for an f-body or mustang

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Its also probably possible to put a big block chevy in a Smart car. If you have to ask how to do it then you probably dont know or should not even attempt this. Chances are that even if you did start this project it would never be finished. As with every other one of these stupid threads that comes up, you wont do it. If you really want a RWD car then buy a RWD car and not waste your money converting a FWD to RWD.
why RWD when you already have a sick SLR racing chiped 2200?
Nicholas Peters wrote:no rude imature comments if you dont have anything helpful to say then i dont want to have to waste my time and read it
Be ready to waste ALOT of time.
Also could have saved time by
Ok i know for a fact its possible to convert my car to a rwd car
well, since you already know that for a fact then i would think you already know how to do it.....because if you DONT know how to do it then its really not a fact now is it .
this may be out of your realm or budget. To pay someone to do this for you is kind of unrealistic. The only realistic way to do this is to build it youself and unless you have excellent welding skills, fabrication skills and knowledge in engineering I suggest you move on to a some other rwd car or continue to mod your car until you are happy with it. Also most chassis that aren't designed to be rwd don't respond that well to a completely different drivetrain layout.
P.S. How did you custom build an air intake. It's a pipe with a filter on one end and a couple on the other?
You can make any FWD car RWD by putting the tranny in reverse. I don't see what all the fuss is about
fortune cookie say: better a delay than a disaster
Nicholas Peters wrote:Ok i know for a fact its possible to convert my car to a rwd car and i know i would need a new motor and tranny and rear axle but can anyone tell me what else i might need to do the conversion from front wheel drive to rear wheel drive any help would be apreciated and plz no rude imature comments if you dont have anything helpful to say then i dont want to have to waste my time and read it
You wasted your time making this thread.
You obviously don't have the ability to do this... For one, you had to ask such a generic question about how to do it. Go learn/research some more, not only about swapping a fwd to rwd but actually learning about their drivetrain differences.. you obv don't know enough to start thinking about a project like this. Sure it can be done, but it takes a lot of fabrication and knowledge & it will not be remotely cheap.
Do you know how to fabricate a subframe brace & mounts to mount an engine from front to back, to cut the firewall and most likely the floor to fit a transmission & custom length driveshaft, then cover said parts with a custom cover/flooring over them. Once you do that, the stock interior won't just bolt right back up, you will have modify, potentially, the entire interior to work with it. Obviously new axels, and if you are going to try and fit a big engine in there, you will have to reinforce the chassis cause it would quite possibly twist up under power. How about the electrical & figuring out the best way to get the motor to run in a car it wasn't meant for. These are just a few things that popped into my head without even thinking into the project. I don't know if you realize how in depth it really is.
The Basics
Also, "Alex r" is the only one I know of on this site that had gotten close to completing a RWD big block build...and he didn't have to ask anyone how to do it. The fact that you only know that the RWD drivetrain is required shows that you are not capable of doing it (at least not alone). Fabrication skills are an absolute must for something like this.
The Thread that discussed Alex r's build
His Car Domain
I have no signiture
I think the most overlooked part of this whole thing is the fact that a front drive body/chassis isn't meant to take the force that rear drive would put on it. In the end, front wheel drive cars are best left front wheel drive. Your money would be better spent making the car more able to handle, and a motor swap.
If you want cheap rear drive, buy a 3rd gen camaro or an old 80s mustang.
2010 Honda Fit LX
just buy an S10, rip the truck chassis off, buy a neon, drop the subframe, drop the neon chassis on the s10 frame...
there you go... Dodge Neon powered by an S10 motor/trans/drive train...
as for the j... good luck
Edited 3 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, June 08, 2010 9:00 AM
kevo1586 . wrote:this may be out of your realm or budget. To pay someone to do this for you is kind of unrealistic. The only realistic way to do this is to build it youself and unless you have excellent welding skills, fabrication skills and knowledge in engineering I suggest you move on to a some other rwd car or continue to mod your car until you are happy with it. Also most chassis that aren't designed to be rwd don't respond that well to a completely different drivetrain layout.
P.S. How did you custom build an air intake. It's a pipe with a filter on one end and a couple on the other?
I saw a rwd Cavalier at Moroso Motorsports Park in West Palm FL. It still had the steel body w one piece fiberglass (or CF) nose. Doors still opened. Thats where it stopped being a Cavalier. It had a full tube frame, 4 link rear, double wishbone front suspension, BBC powered, etc. Basically it was very similar to the Jegs Pro Stock class drag car. Like you noted budget is the key with a vehicle like this...they can run close to or over $100,000 to build, if you pay someone to do the work.
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if you want a camaro buy one, its not happening from a cavalier

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
mitdr774 wrote:Future mods:
wait reduction
120 shot noss
I would also like to reduce the wait. Like when I am at the DMV, the long lines in the store, or even at the gas station. I hate having to wait....
"Wait" reduction!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAHAHAHAHHAHA
I lol'ed... if he starts this project the wait won't be reduced any... that's for sure
Mike wrote:Nicholas Peters wrote:no rude imature comments if you dont have anything helpful to say then i dont want to have to waste my time and read it
Be ready to waste ALOT of time.
Also could have saved time by searching
im sick of these threads.
buy a differerent car or be happy with what you have.

Eat my shift