has anyone messed with the srp by je pistons you can find on craigslist. there 250 less than wiseco which means im 250 closer to my valve springs! but i dont want to comprimise my whole build over cheap pistons
running rich? turn the boost up
I've seen these pistons also on ebay, for sale by a semi local company, I'm kinda interested also. Although I'm sure they'll be able to take the abuse of a little supercharger and maybe some nawz.

13.3 @ 106 mph Cammed
I have used them in a bunch of v8 race cars. Never any power adder though.
i know what i would do .............. wiseco all the way
From what I've read the srp's have more silicone thab regularf je's which supposedly makes for better tolerances. I also read regular je's hold up better for boost. Either one will be better than stock.
so would they be okl for lets say 12-15 psi???
so 250-1000? if you're staying under 400, ad as long as you do rods, and valvetrain mods I see no issue
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
ok sweet yeah 400 is the ceiling odf my power goal for now, does anyone on here have a set to sell??