hi i have a cavalier 2004 with a 2.2 ecotec engine and was wondering what options are out there for boosting performance ive already checked out supercharger options from the 2.0 cobalt ecotec but everyone is telling me it will cost on average around 8000$ to complete all the mods to fit the supercharger so if anyone has info or specs or even details on what options are out there please dont hesitate to sen me the info thanks again
haha someone lied. it can be done for under 1000.
Who told you $8000?!
Closer to $1500 is more like it.
saab turbo setup is nice and reliable for a stock engine, not bad on price either

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
what all would you need for the saab turbo setup? i almost bought a 05 cavy with a 2.2 eco with a saab 9-5 turbo in it but i bought a stock 03 instead.
$1000 - $2000 if you buy a used it. I pieced mine together off a Cobalt SS/SC and with all the little odds and ends i ended up at ~$2000. I helped a friends S/C his cav with a used GM M62 kit and all in all he has ~$400 less into it. We both got S/Cs with the swappable pulley system and heat exchangers.
Click and read this.

sweet thanks for the responses what parts do i need or where do i get them so i can get that extra punch from a supercharger for under 1000
Did you look at the link i provided?

does anyone make a s/c kit for a 96 2.2l?
where is the best place to find the intake mani?
We have a lot of items on www.TurboTechRacing.com for you.

Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
I would definatley look into boost if I were you. I have a 2004 Cav w intake, TB, ported intake & exhaust manifolds and 2 1/4 exhaust. Id rate the gains as minimal. Ive taken off a couple 10ths in the 1/4 but thats it.
Now the car is automatic and fully loaded so its heavy.
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Out of curiosity, where do you find these cobalts with s/c's still on them??
i would take a serious look into turbo/sc. i wanted to turbo my car but after reading how many things can go wrong, etc, i figured it wasn't worth it.
Colby Kulyn wrote:Out of curiosity, where do you find these cobalts with s/c's still on them??
Anyone that says "SS Supercharged" on them.

Ok I have owned 5 cavaliers and my newest is a 05 cavalier base Model and still kick mustang 95 to 04 ass but its been a dream to turbo a cavalier I hear some people say do the Saab turbo off a 03 and up 9-3 but what is the coast of everything needed I work in a car shop and have lifts and tools to do it but wanna know the coast for a used setup help me cavy owners