I need some info from people who have welds, and people who used clamps for their exhaust.
Which is better?
Obviously clamps are easier, but do they do the exhaust justice, is there a sound difference? I know there is a chance of them coming loose and having a leak, or possibly burning/melting up, I dont know what they are made of.
My grandpa has a welder and hes damn good at it, but I dont think hes ever done the circular welds needed for the pipe.
Your asking some pretty good questions, but I'm a nice guy...
You won't get any flames from me.
You know what if you want to save yourself and everyone here...
Shoot me some PM if you have questions... If I can't answer them for you, then we can post them here...
Clamps vs Weld
Weld permanent....
Weld (what kind of welder) stick, mig, tig?
I will suggest you weld but use flanges... to get things apart.
If not just clamp it...

Well also, if you notice, most of the times when I have a question, I also add in what I think is the answer, Im mostly asking if I am correct, Im not just going whats best? Im also putting what I think is the best, and then asking if I am making the right choice.
I havent really known much about cars, until I got my cavalier. My real dad was a loser, and I was fatherless from a divorce for 6 years, and my stepdad isnt really into cars that much, so I am basically learning this as I go, so Im sorry for asking so many questions, but Im the kind of person that has to know the pros and cons of everything before I do something.
Well just be careful around here...
As you can see I'm not by any means a veteran around here.
Search your ass off and most of the time the info is here.
If you ever want to drop me a PM I'll answer the questions you have. Or help you search.
It will save you from getting bashed all the time. Oh and you unless you are 100% sure on something...
I've learned
never give advice in this forum..

If you weld it , you will end up with a quieter exhaust and have less chance of it falling apart.
however, if you just want to try out a muffler or something it may be better to clamp it first, then if you like it , go ahead and weld it on.
just tell you grandpa to use low voltage when welding exhaust pipe, it's very easy to burn through if you don't move fast enough.
good luck and good question.
This is my philosophy :
Keep clamps to minimum, 2 or 3 max for the whole exhaust system. Build it so it can be taken apart easily. Weld everything else to minimize leaks. It is better to use flanges in order to make break-down easy, but its difficult to do if your just piecing it together in your driveway and aren't a welder.
I cut and measure everything on my own, then take it to a welder.

Mitsu TD06-20g |3" Turbo-back Exhaust | 61mm Bored TB |
HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | Team Green LSD | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
Yeah, If this custom exhaust hypsy is making doesnt bolt directly on without cutting to take it over the rear axle, if I have to cut it, I will either weld up some flanges to bolt it together with a gasket or use a clamp.
And it will probably be done in the driveway, we have a single car garage, and there isnt much room on the sides, to move stuff around.
Are you guys being serious when you say its a good question, or are you just busting my balls again.
look compared to you other questions this is the better of them...

ok here is your best bet, welded, and flanges, here is why, clamps leak, clamps strip out, clamps can crush the pipe if too tight, or fall off if too loose. my server and website is down right now or i would post a pic of mine. trust me, welding with flanges is the way to go. mine is in 3 pieces(downpipe, Mid section, axle back) best way to do it.