One of my coworkers just came in and told me he saw a rainbow of Cavaliers on Sunday. They were backed into spots at a Taco Bell at Beach and Western Center.
Roll call...who was there?
The wagon should be back in running order in three weeks or so. I should be popping by sometime soonish.
Have you seen the turbo wagon?
13.90 @ 105.46mph
street tires
rough tune
That would be :
3 Red
1 Yellow
Hope to see it up and running do I actually know any of these folks? Most names and faces have escaped my old brain since my last appearance in '05.
Have you seen the turbo wagon?
13.90 @ 105.46mph
street tires
rough tune
Two you dont three you do
again.. where are the damn pics?????
Who was at Taco Bell?
Black People cooking and White people eating!
Fountain Drink? Why didnt u just say soda stupid!
Tienemos Mr. Pibb, Coca, Pepsi, Esprite, Jarritos, orchata,
LMAO leave it NOMAR to post the correction
Come on now that was a classic
another one was
Hey homes tell him about the time i got electricuted
No Cerveza? are peeps still hanging out at Starbucks? aint' it kinda cold?
texas aint cold and yes we are pretty much out there every sat still just dressed a bit warmer lol
Ok, I will call Paul and ask him if he wants to go with me and chill with ya this coming up sat. night. I will try to bring the white car, but Im leaning more to what Gabe calls it "the little blood cloger"
where is this starbucks?
1995 3pd 13.90 1/4 mile.
it is on the outskirts of haltom city / ft worth
i mean if you go across the street to taco bell its haltom city vise versa lol its off of
western center and beach street. depending on which way your coming you can go 35 to denton and exit western center or take 820 east and exit beach street.
best time to show up would be around 9-10, sumtimes 11 if people havent left for the races or the gay ass cops didnt run everybody out
no more 240 =]
I see a cool-air intake
It's got a NOS-fogger system and a T-4 turbo
I see an A.I.C. controller
It has direct port nitrous injection
Yeah, a stand-alone fuel management system
...Not a bad way to spend $10,000
You at walmart yet DAMN ^