Hey Ya'll!!
Sorry I have not been on the org or meets these past few weeks. We have been moving, disconnected the phone and meanwhile all the access to the internet I get is at the library once a week. But I do have GOOD NEWS. We found a Convertible Sunfire 5speed, 2.4L just like I was hoping to. So I will prolly start in about a month with the renovation of this car to see if I can take it to Austin this Summer for the Show.
I got arrested in Carrolton on Valentine's Day, and I had quite some tickets on me, They cought me with 9 charges for unpaid tickets plus 5 more they gave me that day since I was driving the sunfire we just bought with no plates, inspection, or insurance. Aside they got me for driving with a suspended license and I didn't provide my DL at the time. Totalling 14 Charges.....
Thank GOD & My Wife I was out by the second day, she came up with more than $3,000 to bail me out but we still $1500 on the bail, So no fun for us in a little while. Have to take care of things now that all of that money is paid , so I have no more warrants. I will do good now. But just though I'd let you know where I've been all these time.......
I will be in touch though,
my email is jesusnajeramty@yahoo.com
**!Check it out!**
Yeah... I also learned my lesson the hard way. That also reminds me, I have to make a payment on my monthly citation payments. $1,500 is my balance. Total was $3,500.
Good that you finally got that sunfire you've been wanting.
another sunfire
so the ration is one fire for 10 cavs
no i still think its 1 fire to 15 cavs
congrats on the new car hope u enjoy it
yeah we had the mod day last weekend. but ramon just got his springs in so another mod day is right around the corner so just keep an I out for the weekend that we hold the mod day or gimmie your cell number so I can call you.
how about march 4th for a mod day?
i would say the sat before, feb 25th but i think some are going to the meet in new braunfuels. im going to try to go.
i have to put in for the day i will let you all know and it will probably be after the third week in march seeing as how we have our schedule already maid out till then
yall got a mod day? got room for one more? i got my side mirrors long time ago.... just been to tied up with stuff to put them on and wire them up
just missed one couple sat's back. ill prolly have one in march.