Hello My name is Andy I am the tech advisor for NWGMT (northwest GM tuners) its a new club in the northwest. If you have any questions about joining PM me. I am the only Jbody in the club and i want to recruit more people. So far we have three meets with a pretty good turn out. My email is earlynvmber@yahoo.com. HIT ME UP!!!
The club is just starting and right now we need as much support as we can get. There will be parts discounts to club members.
Hey there bro, hit up
J-body Northwest we might be able to help you out with the lakc of members.
If you get all the parts, I can help w/ the wrenching
If you go w/ the Neon swap, the bracket needs to be machined. There's info in the sticky in Suspension/Brake
will that neon swap work on a 04 sunfire.. it doesnet say...
(maybe someone should update that post and say what it will work on..)
it will, but the ebrake cables are a little longer due to the bigger drums, so some additional "tweaking" is needed. What exactly, I don't know.
You guys all coming to the PDXmas Tuner Bash on Saturday?
More J-Bodies the better.
Matt T.
My Cav ain't show worthy right now (kit needs replacing) and my Fire is down for the count (and rainbow colored)... but I might head down that way for a bit
... and depending on how long I-5 is closed in Lewis County....