Hey All,
I figured it would be a tad over the top to post info about the Ekset promo show in like, the general or off-topic forums, so I wanted anyone local to So Cal to know what was up. We are having a promo show at the Whisky in Hollywood on August 14th @ 8 p.m. Got some local bands and also 10 Minutes Down, a Warped Tour experienced band coming through. So, for those interested, shoot Ekset an e-mail or give us a call. Just wanted to put the invite out. Always love to see/meet JBO members. Later all!
<img src="http://www.ekset.com/10MDFlyer.jpg">
my friends got to drive down to la to test fit a body kit for his kia and i might go with him. If it falls on the same day as the 14th maybe we will swing by. I have to convince him it would be fun tho as he wont even touch that kind of music. Hes all him hop, all the time. Anyways teske ive been meaning to buy a shirt or something off ya and i will be doing so in a couple days. Thanks
98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
kinda short on your planing there matt
s eyes*
If I could afford a plane ticket lol
Or if my car didn't have 95K miles i'd make a road trip
I'll make it out there one day....prolly won't be young anymore though.
Eric, Eric, Eric... why must you be so negative? I see that Dave has already had an influence on you. Of course, Dave's approach is much more "meh", and you can quote me.
had you told us about this say a month ago , it woulda been easier to afford the 6hour (1way) trip to cali
but the next trip to cali has been planed already , and unfortunatly its not that weekend
and dave is "meh" , and always will be "meh"
and not my fault you werent at jims when i was there a few weeks ago , lol
Cool deal, but I don't forsee myself parking the 03 anywhere in Hollywood.
Yeah and those bastards can afford to have their cars @!#$ up too.
98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
Chad Im crashing at your place!! We can take my car!! I need to go to Cali for a bumper anyway!!
(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
Sweet, so the merchandise is only 10% of what the real price is?
Or do you mean it is 10% off of the normal price.......
he means 10% under his cost , LOL
Yeah... that was an interesting thing to have atop the flyer. Sorta makes you curious... and then want to to come to the show even more! LOL... Photoshop only has SPELL check, not grammar check.... bastards.
guess its time for a reprint , and a poster at the even saying the flyer was printed incorectly
I'm gonna show up, and print this flyer up, and demand that I get merchandise for 10% of what it's listed at.
LOL... nice. There is gonna be a riot.
How'd it go? I was at SpeedZone most of the day so I wasn't able to hit it up. I hope you sold quite a bit of merchandise.
hey matt you missed my b-day last week , where is my free b-day stuff ???
and dave's b-day is today
damn i cant wait for my shirt.. its finally monday... what do you @!#$ it with anyways. Oh and how was the show
98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
Hey Guys,
The show went freaking great. I will be posting pics at the Ekset website this week. Two chicks actually showed up to the show with lists of stuff they wanted and basically bought out our inventory for girls stuff at the show. It was rad. The show itself went great. 10 Minutes Down torn that place up and got asked to return by the owners of the club, good stuff. Profuce and The Press also did one hell of a job. It was great exposure for Ekset for sure.
And Eric... dude, I wouldnt mind giving you a birthday discount. Just let me know what you are interested in cutie. Wait... did I say cutie? Whatever.
Thanks for the props and support guys. There will be more stuff in the future to hit up for Ekset, stay tuned.
i hella ment to put ship not @!#$... oops lol
98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
glad things went well for ya matt