I need to find the pcv valve on a 1996, 2.4 sunfire. I was told it was under the intake manifold, but i cant find it any suggestions.
I am not 100% sure on this since I don't have a 2.4 but I am pretty sure there is NO PCV valve on the 2.4 just look in your owner manual.
I think there was pcv vavles till 98-99? I'm pretty sure it's really close to the power steering fluid reservoir? I'm not too sure.. :/
Dark blue 2002 Z24, 2.4 Ltr.
lone_wolf wrote:I think there was pcv vavles till 98-99? I'm pretty sure it's really close to the power steering fluid reservoir? I'm not too sure.. :/
That is the water seperator
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat2.gif">
no pcv on the more recent 2.4s....dunno about 96.
<a href="http://groups.msn.com/2000Cavalier/2002z24.msnw" target="_blank">2002 Z24</a>
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/pwdelta/moonwalk.gif" border="0" />
none of the 2.4L have a PCV system, they use an oil/air separator system.
Being a GM Tech, I can confirm what CHM said.