About a week or so ago, I started getting noise coming from my left front wheel only when I would make left turns. It doesn't matter if I'm braking or not braking....it makes the noise either way. It was kind of a high pitched squealing sound with some light rattling mixed in. The light rattling kinda sounded like a very small piece of light metal was bouncing around somewhere. Just starting yesterday, the sound is a lot louder from the left wheel and it's making the noise when I'm going either left or straight(louder if I'm turning left though). And now if I'm turning right, the right front wheel is making the noise but not as loud as the left wheel.
It's been a while since I've replaced my pads & rotors. Could that be my problem? I'm not sure if the pad indicators would make that loud of a sound, and I thought they only make the sound when you press on the brakes? One of the guys I work with said he had a sound coming from his front wheels, and a shop told him he needed new wheel bearings......I'm hoping that isn't what I need. Does anyone know what my problem might be?
<img src="http://imagehost.vendio.com/preview/ha/hart11/cavyz24sig.jpg">
I would definatly check and see if there is any rubbing. That would be my first guess. BUt as far as the wheels bearings, I dont know. Maybe something needs a little TLC with WD40
... if you find out what is squeeking soak it in WD40 for about 20 - 25 minutes. Put it back on ... and see how she does. That is my only sugestion.
Representing the 810's ... biatch!!
[19:33] Lurch: I am sick of sex! (and you thought it would never happen)
Have an 04 Sunfire with the same problem.
I believe cheap brake parts are to blame. Alot of these cars have the same problem.
Lemonaide mentiones it too.
Notices my left ror\tor has a gouge in it, like a piece of metal or brake pad broke off, got stuck in there and caused a groove.
Sorry I can;t tell u more.