Hi All
97 chevy cavalier z24
Rack and pinion
So the other day i was out doing some running around pay some bills ect ect. so i get back in my car after a store visit and i notice my steering is OUTRAGIOUSLY tight, like tough to move. i got it home. i decided im gunna try to move the wheels from side to side (full turns left to right) and then i heard a "pop" or a "click" and the steering is fine... but now i get the wierd rattle (i explain it as a ball or somthing bouncing around in the tire haha) when i hit a bump and there a click in the steering wheel when i turn the wheels to the left. and when i get up to around 75 MPH the steering feels SUPER loose.
My predicament is i have a 10 hour drive to Missouri from Minnesota i have to make in 2 weeks. now i dont have much time or money to fix this problem. i would say i probly have a 300$ budget and a single day i might be able to spare if i had to.
Has anyone had a shop replace a rack and pinion? is this my issue or is it somthing else? can i just limp it to missouri, keep it at about 70 MPH the whole way and just hope nothing bad happens? i just dont know what to do this always happens to me at the worst time...

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got a quote form a dealer and shop.
dealer ~1200$
shop (pep boys) ~875$
part costs like 200$ at most with the tie rods.....

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You need to go to a dealership. There was a recall related to the steering rack! My steering went out on me while I was driving and it was repaired by dealership under the recall.
2.2 97 Cavalier......the "Crapalier"
i have the same problem, except my steering locks during left turns and is fine during right turns, think im gonna try to replace it mysef, it would be nice if the recall was still effective, anyone know what the time frame is on something like that
I don't think there is a time frame. Its a safty recall. I believe all safety recalls are guaranteed for life. You will have to check. This is only for OEM parts.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
My Rack and Pinion went out on my 97. The wheel would at random force itself into a full right turn.
Don't make the trip, pay the price, life isn't worth risking for only a thousand bucks.
'03 LS Sport 5spd, Amsoil fluids, Vibrant cat-back, 5% 3M color stable tint, Z24 trunk lid
I called the Chevrolet and they set me up with an appointment for the rack and pinion recall, about 3 days later they addressed the issues and fixed it as well as 3 other recalls at no cost to me at all