so heres the deal i just fully rebuilt my 96 z24 2.4 motor and when i finished i put it back in and it was running fine but it kept blowing the oring out from the oil filter and spraying oil everywhere. as far as i can tell it needs piston rings, the one thing i didnt replace. is there anything else it could be? and if its definatley the piston rings then when i replace them do i need to replace my rod bearings as well? im kinda on a budget now
Im not an expert, but blow-by gasses can cause excessive pressure in the oil which could cause such gaskets to fail. Shoulda got new rings.
well ive had tons of problems with this car ive had it for about 5 months and blew one head gasket and then the bearings went out twice so i replaced the motor and then it locked up so i replaced the crank and bearings and then the valves bent so i replaced them not to mention the coils going out 3 times. so i really didnt have the money at the time but i wanted to get other peoples opion before i tore into it again.
if i went thru all that crap id quit, or just buy a new engine no expert but if the engine locks up, its from overheating?seized together? so the cylinders are probably all tore up and thats letting the gasses out a blowing that gasket. just my 2 cents.
well im going to rebuild it and put new rings in it but i was wondering if i had to replace the rod bearings if there not worn out. and yeah its for sell just fixing it to try to get a decent price