So lately the weather here has been in somewhat of a cold snap... (not crazy cold but around -18 - -25) anyways... wednesday night I started to notice that my gas pedal felt that it had some sort tension on it.. as if it was harder then normal to push etc... then yesterday while driving downtown in heavy traffic the pedal stuck (luckily I was able to get into neutral) after this happened my rpm's were really low.... I parked the car in a heated underground garage for a few hours came back and it worked fine..... I have also made sure that my floor mat is in no way interfering with my gas pedal... any suggestions as to what could have caused this or a possible solution? btw the car is a 01 sunfire gt
Mos likely the throtle cable may be on its way out... BTW from the engine bay with engine off you could manually move the throtle and look around to find the problem.