Helping my little brother with a 98 Z vert and he found a sensor just dangling in the engine bay from one of the POs.
it is a single wire, threaded ground and I have no idea what it is.
anyone seen this before?
it's a LD9 for that guy whop would've asked
more pics if needed
that was my first guess but where would this one go as there is already one in it's place with a different style connector
Thanks John
haynes was no real help for an alternate location either, maybe i'm just dumb and overthinking this.
I think its a temp sensor of a sort, its supposed to screw into the block under the exhaust manifold on the drivers side, not sure why it would be dangling by a random wire tho.
It's the type of sensor that says, give dan your tail lights
^^ & why some one would ring clamp the wire on to it...
The only sensor i would see to relocate is the IAT... but i would locate it lower, near the fender well... out the way of water but directly in cold air... and i only did that with my 2.2 and not my 2.4 (&&& i know that that above is NOT the IAT)
However i know ive seen that sensor before when i rebuilt my motor... i wanna say its near the cam journals either on the front of the motor or under the coil cover somewhere... but i cant remember exactly where...
try disconnecting it and seeing if it throws a code... the code should tell you what about it is...
whatever it is... im not feelin the rust on it... if its important it should probably be replaced...
almost definitely a knock sensor.
Per my GM manual, knock sensor on a 98 2.4 is dual wire:
that, however is a knock sensor from a 2.2:
Which is the same as my 3400 sensor:
Thanks everyone.
the knock sensor is correct and in place for the ld9, once i found my scanner i pulled the connector and read an EGR and knock sensor bank 1 code.
is there a second knock sensor tucked away somewhere on the ld9?
not that I'm aware of... only have show the connector for the one KS
Yeah the LD9 has only 1 knock sensor. 96-99 is a 1 wire knock sensor (like the one in the picture).00+ is a 2 wire. Did this car get a new motor recently? Maybe a 00+ 2.4? If so it has a 2 wire knock sensor in it. YOu will need to drill and tap the hole to fit the older 1 wire knock sensor in it.
FU Tuning
^ That would make sense that someone has put an 00+ engine in there since it's throwing the EGR and KS codes.
don't know, it's my little brothers car and it was bought used, i assumed it was an either the original or at least an older engine just by the fact the starter is ginormous
ToBoGgAn wrote:don't know, it's my little brothers car and it was bought used, i assumed it was an either the original or at least an older engine just by the fact the starter is ginormous
Well the knock sensor already on the block, is it black with a cord like on it about 3 inches long? Also has a bolt going through the middle of it into the block?
FU Tuning