Ok I am having a lil bit of trouble. I took my car to get gas yesterday and it was running great no noises, leaking etc. now today when I try to start it it won't fire, it just rolls. I am thinking it isn't getting fuel because when I turn the key on I can't hear the fuel pump so my question is how loud is a fuel pump? Can it easily be heard from outside or is it real quiet?
We Ride Together, We Die Together...... J-Bodies For Life!
SPONSORED BY: Showstopper Tuning, JM Graphics
2003 Cavalier LS Sport "SHOCKWAVE"
I just tried to spray starter fluid into the throttle body and that didn't do anything either so now i am really stumped. anybody with any advice i'd greatly take it
We Ride Together, We Die Together...... J-Bodies For Life!
SPONSORED BY: Showstopper Tuning, JM Graphics
2003 Cavalier LS Sport "SHOCKWAVE"
I have the same problem going for mine right now... I have power at the Fuel Pump relay, power at the fuel pump fuse... but nothin when I plug the fuel pump harness in... I'm stumped as well... anyone have any suggestions???
i got the same problem right now too lol
Anyone figure out anything, or know of anything we can try?
my guess is bad ground or broken wire or something im going at it with the multimeter tomorrow ill let you know what i find hoping pump didn't go and patrick if you sprayed starter fluid in the TB and it didn't do anything i would check and see if you have spark
Well I found my problem... bad fuel pump... Here's a good way to find out if yours is bad also... you'll need a helper to accomplish this task.
First get a test light and a very good ground under the car... with the car up (on jack stands of course) stick the test light into the harness that the fuel pump plugs into... once you get under there... it will be obvious... there are four wires... now the one your looking for could vary between the 4 wires... depending on what year your car is... mine is a 95 so the wire that I needed was the grey wire... stick the test light up into the back of the harness where the grey wire enters the harness and have someone turn the key to the "on" position... if the light comes on (there's only a 2 second window to do this) then it's the pump... if you have no light at all.... THEN check continuity in the line between the fuse box and the pump. Oh... don't forget to check the fuse and relay first and formost before jacking the car up ect.
Hit me up on a PM if you have any problems!
yea the one wire is fuel gauge the other for the pump and i think the other 2 are grounds the grey is for the pump and i had 12 volts my pump is done