I need to know what wires go where on the starter in my 97 Sunfire GT. I have a wire with a fuseable link that comes from the alternator, a small black wire that comes out of the relay, a purple wire that i believe is connected to the wire coming out of the harness. Then there is two red wires, one "had a fuseable link in it until i cut it out, believeing it to be faulty. So all in all i have 5 wires:
1 Red w/fusible link (out of the relay)
1 Red (out of the relay)
1 Large Red wire that is the main power
1 Small Black wire
1 Grey Fusible link from the alternator
Please give me a hand someone. The starter stuck in the On position and i couldn't get it to stop, so i had to rip all the wires off the starter before it caught on fire.
Hi, Dylan P
I was reading ur question on the wiring for the starter. Did u ever find out the wiring? The reason I am asking is I have the same problem on a 97 cavlier and was wondering if u could help me. Wiring diagram or an actual photo?