I have had this problem for a long time since the car was almost brand new. When and driving fast and go from 2nd to 3rd really fast a hear what sound kinda like a belt screach or a vibration but if i granney shift nothing happens. It only seems to happen from second to third? If I drive fast from first to second and shift fast it does a little tire squeel. Wtf my car has 800 miles left on the warentee. I was afraid to take it on because of fear of them tell me the could not reproduce the sound. What do u think? thanks in advance
darkblade j
The screech sound may very well be your accesory belt. Every time you upshift quickly, all your accessories must decellerate almost instantly. If you think it's the transmission try changing the fluid (if it's time for that). I overfilled my getrag with 4qts of synthetic ATF and it's much better behaved now. The low-rpm rumble disappeared as well.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd