At my lunch break i went to go start my car and turned the key. Nothing happened. Then i tried it again and it started and it sounded like it kept trying to start the engine which was already started! so i shut the engine down and it kept going!!! I Quicky grabbed a wrench and disconnected the positive form the battery termnal and now its sparks like mad whenever i try to connect it. and when i do connect it the engine trys to start even without the key in the ignition!! WTF is up with that?! so now its in the school parking lot waiting for a miracle. ANY HELP ON HOW TO SOLVE THIS?!? PLEASE!
Ignition switch? Didn't GM have a recall for this problem (which put a relay or something under the hood incase something happened like this, to prevent a fire starting in the car). I'm just guessing here... but I know about the relay thing... all 3 of my Grand Ams had it done.
i had the same problem and it was my starter sometimes the selinod would kick over then somtimes it when it did kick over it wouldnt turn back off!
Don't try to start the car by touching the + terminal to the battery. If you manage to start the engine and your alternator doesn't have a load (your battery), it will fry your ECU.
Like Cale said, it sounds like a stuck solenoid.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
well i appreciate it all. It turned out to be a bad starter. And well i got it fixed and changed the spark plugs now it is running really well. Thanks for you help everyone!