My 1999 Sunfire GT is low on coolant and I was going to buy some more but wasn't sure if one brand is better than another.....does it really matter?
You most likely have Dex-Cool, so you either need to buy something compatible with that or completely drain and refill if you don't want to use Dex-Cool. Don't mix Dex-Cool and non Dex-Cool or you will have problems. Check your owner's manual to be sure.
Sold 2/2/05
Mine does use Dex-Cool...but is Dex-Cool a brand name or is it just a type of anti-freeze?
It's a type. You can find Prestone, etc that is approved for adding to Dex-Cool.
Sold 2/2/05
I believe Dex-Cool is considered "organic" and was originally marketed as maintenance free for 150,000+ miles by auto makers such as GM. Dex-Cool and your typical antifreezes for automobiles are all gonna be Ethylene Glycol based and mixing any variation will do just fine. If you're willing to pay the extra cost for an antifreeze that has minimal life sustainability over the standard brand, than a Dex-cool would be for you, otherwise I'd recommend getting something like Wal-Marts brand, which is fairly cheap. Either way you'll want to do flush, fills and top-offs on a regular scheduled maintenance routine.
You can check out for some good info on the subject.
Go to walmart and buy there super tech brand! It is compatible with ALL coolant regardless.It's the cheapest cost and will not harm those who do run dexcool and have used this in both my vehicles which use the standard coolant.Flushing is not necessary unless u planned on doing it bc of age of car,mileage etc but to top it off I would highly recommend this and it is safe to use as I stated with dexcool.It will be under 7.00 cost wise.