Speedo getting stuck - Maintenance and Repair Forum

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Speedo getting stuck
Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:42 PM
my brother has an eco auto and the speedo has been getting stuck lately and has to shut the car off and restart it a couple of times before it drops back to zero. what could be causing this problem.

vss/speed sensor/loose connection?


Re: Speedo getting stuck
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 9:41 PM

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 4:03 AM
Does the needle move after the point of being stuck?
Does speed go beyond point of being stuck?

Could just be a sticky needle believe it or not. Getting stuck on the gauge face.

Sorry but I hope I helped...

...They just HATE it when you ...POINT - LAUGH - then DRIVE OFF AND AWAY-!...
Re: Speedo getting stuck
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 4:13 AM
if it was the vss the needle would be going crazy then just stop working. i think the needle is just getting stuck to the face

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 12:16 PM
id say if it sticks and keeps going up, the needles have to be reseated, otherwise it would be just getting stuck, if it is, try moving the needles down with the car on, if that doesnt work unplug the cluster, move all the needles counter clockwise until they stop, if the speedo goes below 0 more than the other needles it needs to be reseated

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 2:06 PM
it just stops at a certain speed for some reason. then when you shut the car off it might be at 100km/h still but still works my measuring speed but 110 =10km and so forth and is just an inconvience when it stops at say 150 and you cant really have a clue as to what speed he is going. if he was a 5spd i could tell him what rpm in 5th gear would equal a safe highway speed but what can ya do.

i will try pulling the cluster and trying that

thanks for the help

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 4:19 PM
too bad your not in sask anymore

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 6:13 PM
Matt Bray wrote:too bad your not in sask anymore

never once lived in sask, you got me confused with someone

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Thursday, December 28, 2006 1:40 PM
coudl ahve sworn u were in regina or something, maybe just cuz you were on sgmp...

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Thursday, December 28, 2006 1:49 PM
Matt Bray wrote:coudl ahve sworn u were in regina or something, maybe just cuz you were on sgmp...

yeah i visit that site just in case someone needs a part or has one for sale, im all over the place

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Thursday, December 28, 2006 2:00 PM
WTF u on your gfs account?? naughty!!!

Did you find out what was wrong with the speedo??


Re: Speedo getting stuck
Thursday, December 28, 2006 11:24 PM
my brother is in edmonton so i havent been able to talk or be there to help figure it out, he's gonna take it to the dealership cause its supposed to be under warranty still so maybe they will give him a new cluster to try. he's not happy though cause he just got this car due to a taxi driver not stopping and hitting him in his grand am.

the gf signed in and i didnt know ha ha

Re: Speedo getting stuck
Sunday, December 31, 2006 7:10 AM
even if the needle is stuck to the face the gauges always reset themselves the second you restart the car anyway, but yeah by the by the speedos in these cars are crap mine never stops in the right spot either. Just once i'd like to have mine stop at 0 instead of right above it.
Re: Speedo getting stuck
Sunday, December 31, 2006 7:15 AM
I had a friend who's speedo would all of a sudden read 220km, then drop to 0 and he'd have no clue how fast he was going. He would have ot restart the car then it worked fine. He took it to GM and they put in a new c;luster and it's been fine ever since


Re: Speedo getting stuck
Sunday, December 31, 2006 8:57 AM
Sounds like you have a short to ground somewhere in the speedo harness.

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Re: Speedo getting stuck
Monday, January 01, 2007 9:16 PM
I'm having similar problems with my '95 2.2L, but my speedometer is "lazy". When it's cold out, the speedometer either sticks at zero or very slowly creeps its way up to the actual speed. When it's warm out, or the interior gets nice and toasty, the speedo will work normally. What is really odd, is that the speedo always resets to zero - it just won't rise normally. I've checked for rubbing or sticking on the gauge face, but that's not it. I've tried re-lubricating the needle shaft, and that only helped a little.

Poking around this forum and others, it looks like the J-Body speedometer is kind of junky. Since it's not a true stepper motor, just a cheap air-core, it's susceptible to all sorts of problems like dust, temperature, etc.

If anyone has a cheap - even temporary - solution, please post!

P.S. My cheap aftermarket tachometer started doing a similar thing right about the same time. Now I idle at 3500 RPM when it's cold. Yeah!

Check out my ride at CarDomain.com
Re: Speedo getting stuck
Tuesday, January 02, 2007 5:52 PM
Another thing i noticed since you mentioned the speedo in the J body is not a true stepper motor and is Junk, which i will have to agree with you on that is that when the needle sticks above 0 like say 10 or higher when you put it in reverse and back up rather than dropping back down to 0 the needle just keeps going up even higher. Years ago we had an old ford pickup that had this problem only it was the kind of cluster, speedometer whatever you want to call it that when the needle stuck at say 25 35 etc you backed up and the needle would just drop back down to 5 and the second you started going forward again it jumped around and stuck on certain numbers. It was kind of funny because i can remember whenever it was cold in the winter the speedo on that thing would stick at like 45 or in some cases even 55 mph when you were only doing like maybe 8 or 9 mph LOL then the second it got warm out it would unstick itself and just stick on the lower numbers lol.
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