My girlfriend owns a 99 cavalier 2.2 with about 275 000 km.
The first engine start generally take several seconds to fire up but when she shuts the car and starts it back up right after, it fires up instantly.
I've done a search on related topics but have not found anything really relevant to my problem.
I'm almost certain it's not a fuel pump issue since i've tried turning the key just before starting point 2-3 times then starting it but the car has an even harder time to start.
I have gotten a tune-up done also but have not seen improvement.
Could the injectors be clogged??? Throttle body might need cleaning???
Also, she told me that the car seems to start somewhat better on colder days or when it's raining.
What could be the problem??? Any advice???
Thanks for all your help!!
4CYLS wrote:My girlfriend owns a 99 cavalier 2.2 with about 275 000 km.
The first engine start generally take several seconds to fire up but when she shuts the car and starts it back up right after, it fires up instantly.
My first thought would be Fuel Pressure Regulator, bleeding off fuel pressure when the car is stopped.
The restart could be good because the FPR has been exercised/unstuck by the vacuum and the fuel pressure hasn't had time to bleed off.
I would doubt the injectors as the engine runs OK on the subsequent starts, same with throttle body.
Just some thoughts
What should be the recomended pressure for the regulator on her car?
My mechanic had also mentioned the tps could also be one of the problem???
Any thoughts on that?
Thanks again
Sounds like your injectors are leaking into the cylinders. Do you have any pressure readings?
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