key wont turn past the 'run' position. I'd say it rotates about 1/3 of what it needs to actually turn to start the car. Possibilities? Fixes?
5-speed, steering wheel's unlocked and it still wont start. Could spraying some wd-40 in the key cylinder itself help? Could the tumblers be stuck/lodged?
could have a faulty igintion switch, Also have a faulty igintion key cyl.
Sounds like faulty key switch. It's not in the cylinder, so wd will not help. The switch is on the left side of the column.
Try inserting the key opposite the way you first inserted it. Could just be a worn out key.
Maybe your wrists are too strong, and you broke it? JK, let me know if I can give yo hand with it.
15.3 @ 89.97mph, 14's on the way?
turned out to be the ignition key cylinder, put another one in and she's good to go now.