hey guys im a newb and i searched and read but didnt really find any info on my problem- i have a 2004 ecotec and my slave cylinder blew out on the back side and made a pop sound when it did it and all the fluid ran out the inspection hole. i got a new one and got a new centerforce clutch ( i know i read the posts on how bad they are after i got it) and had them installed and the new one was blown out from the front of the slave cylinder so my mechanic and i ordered another one and it was the same way so we figured it was over extending so we got another one ( number three ). we thought it might be the centerforce clutch so we put a new stock clutch in it and it blew out with the stock clutch in it. so now i am stumped, my mechanic is stumped and our local dealership is stumped. i suspect that it might be the master cylinder putting out to much pressure because the last time we tried it we were able to get all the air out and try to crank it when that last push to crank it blew it out.
please help, somebody, this is my daily driver car and i have no ride right now and i have no clue where to go from here and i heard that master cylinders were expensive.