I have just installed a newer engine(8K miles) in my 99 Z and I need a checklist for things to do after everything is all back together. Ive heard you have to pump the oil through the engine before you start it. Or do I just remove the ignition harness and crank it over to pull it through? Things of that nature. I know I should top off all fluids. Anybody have any other advice, thanks.
I don't get it. I see posts on "which oil do I use?" when it says right on the oil cap which one and they have like 20 replies. I have no idea what I'm doing and by myself remove the engine and trans, swap the engine for a new one, put it all back in, reconnect everything correctly and only ask a simple question on what to do after it is all in. Please don't make me have to ask some mechanic so that he can say "well I can charge you $65 an hour to look it over."
if the new engine has 8k miles which i dont know where you would find a 2.4L with 8k miles ANYWAY
just be sure to change the oil BEFORE you start it up..
other then that thats all you really need to do as a precaution especially if it has 8k its been sitting for awhillee
Thanks Jonathan, then I guess Im all good then. You still don't believe the 8K miles huh?, lol. I'm telling you it looked like it was pulled almost new and it was just very dusty from sitting in that warehouse. The warehouse is full of engines and like I said there was several 2.4s too choose from. I put it in another thread but its
http://car-part.com/. That site will direct you to parts in a bunch of yards around the country.