on my 97 cavalier 2.2 i was driving and my battery light came on and then after 10 min of driving my gauges go crazy air bags, check engine ,brake,seat belt all go on then i get a boost its fine then my car complety dies the rpm gauges and speedomter goes blank and im still driving then sstaalls complety, any tips
First see if your engine belt popped off. If it did, try to turn the alternator and a/c pulleys. If one of them doesn't turn easily then there's your problem. Maybe the a/c compressor seized up or the alternator seized up.
If the belt is there, check the electrical connections on the battery and alternator. Make sure everything is tight and clean. Have your charging system checked out by a reputable shop. Make sure they do a "run-in" test on the alternator. Most small corner garages use a toaster (small voltmeter with a coil in it that puts a small load on the battery) to check the battery. I have seen more scratched heads because the toaster said the battery was good when it wasn't than you can shake an axle at. Make sure the garage uses an electronic diagnostic tool such as a Sunn tester or Snap-on DTAC. They put an actual load on the alternator and are able to test batteries and alternators much more accurately than anything else and can tell you if it's something as simple as a bad ground.