It's apparently taken a crap on me in the right front wheel. I was just wondering where it was located, how hard it was to change out, and what it would cost me. Anyone done this or have any info on it? Thanks.
Okay there is NO car listed in your profile, NO car listed in your post. I have no clue what kind of car we are talking about, what year, or anything.
Before repalcing any sensor, make sure all wiring is good.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
Ha, oh yeah, I'm used to being on my other car forum where everyone already knows
It's a 97 cavy 2.4L and there's no doubt that it's the sensor. I've had a Tech1 diagnostics machine hooked up to it.
speed sensor isnt on each wheel.. only sensor on the wheel is abs.. speed sensor is on tranny
There are speed sensors on each wheel that monitor for the ABS system. I'm not talking about the speedometer sensor that is located in the tranny.
my right front wheel was bad to.. until i traced the wire and noticed it was broke
Could be that too but I'm preparing for the worst case scenario should I have to replace it and would like to know the level of difficulty as my chilton manual says to make sure it's "properly aligned and lays flat against the bosses on the knuckle". I don't know whether this is a DUHH sort of thing or whether or it is actually troublesome to get it perfectly aligned.
i dont think its hard considering there is a bolt hole only one way to put it on
by the way i have a sensor too i just replaced my knuckle and theres an old one on there ill sell it to u for cheap let me know
Ehh, I'm not usually one for buying used sensors. Just asking for trouble there. I appreciate the offer though.